DCE Intern Trevor Toft

DCE Intern Trevor  Toft

DCE Intern Trevor Toft

Associate Director of Children's Ministry
Trevor Toft grew up in Holdrege, Nebraska and recently moved to Williamsburg, VA. with his wife DCE Intern Leigha Toft. Trevor is the Associate Director of Children's Ministry at King of Glory, and is so excited to walk through formative faith steps with the youth and parents of KoG. In his free time Trevor loves to meet new people and explore new places. He can be found having movie marathons, trying out new video games, and playing an assortment of card and board games

Watching Movies, Playing Games, Listening to Music, and Hanging out with Friends

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -Babe Ruth

For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control.  2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

B.A. | Concordia University | Seward, Nebraska
Psychology; Christian Education Leadership


4897 Longhill Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23188

(757) 258-9701


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